Mind Transport Tools - Astral Bridge
Written and Produced by Cameron Limbrick
2016 - Mindtrip Music for Journeying Across the Astral Bridge
Move through walls, then launch yourself high above the clouds. Experience colorful light ribbons in the astral plane while spiraling waveforms organize into torus-shaped wormholes. Astral Bridge, the second Mind Transport Tools album was released January 26th, 2016 on Spiralight, seventeen years after Tone Cone. This new album is part of a growing musical chakra system in development by Cameron Limbrick, AKA Magic Sound Fabric/olulo. Mind Transport Tools focuses on the solar plexus chakra of the body, represented by the color yellow. The six additional chakras are demonstrated by Magic Sound Fabric (third eye chakra, indigo), olulo (sacral chakra, orange) and four additional representatives currently in production. The entire music collection is designed to facilitate consciousness expansion in spiritual seekers.